Liste des traducteurs experts pour 2025 selon les données officielles de la Cour de Justice du Luxembourg

Directory of Sworn and Specialised Translators of Luxembourg

Our partners

We would like to thank all the people involved in setting up this project including the IT manager of TTI NETWORK, the TTI correctors, lawyers and database administrators. Obviously we also thank the people at the heart of this project, the sworn translators and interpreters, for their goodwill in advancing translation in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and for making themselves more accessible to their fellow citizens and enterprises.

We thank the various sworn expert translators who shared their often insightful and relevant comments with us. They know who they are.

Our thanks also to the TTI NETWORK technical team for the graciously provided hosting, the monitoring of references to the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg in search engines,and the design of the versions of the Directory in the various languages spoken in the country.

We apologize for being unable at this time to supply a version in Luxembourgish as Joomla, which provides the base source code for the Directory, does not make provision for a version in Luxembourgish. We are working on encoding all the pages in order to make them compatible as soon as possible and quickly provide a Luxembourgish version of the site.

Directory of Sworn Translators of France. Altus Traduction TTI Network
Directory of Sworn Translators of France. Altus Traduction TTI Network
Directory of Specialist Translators of France. Directory of Specialist Translation Agencies of France Team Translation Expertise
Directory of Specialist Translators of France. Directory of Specialist Translation Agencies of France Team Translation Expertise

Express file submission

To have your file immediately taken care of by the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg team, please fill in the form below.
Your name and surname:
Your postal address:
Are you a professional?: No | Yes
Your company or organization:
(document type, source language, target language etc.):
What is the sum of 6 + 29

Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg
* For all information on the legal framework of the swearing-in process our offices are open from 9h to 12h and 13h to 17h from Monday to Friday--Tel: +352.621.707.285
TTI EUROPE SA 13 Avenue de la Gare - L-1611 Luxemburg - LUXEMBURG

N.B: TTI EUROPE SA and the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg decline all responsibility regarding the choice of translators and the quality of the services they provide. We only handle complaints about the turnkey projects we provide. For all information or quotes please e-mail: or telephone: +352.621.707.285

Our translation partner

Directory of Sworn Translators of France - 4000 expert translators of the French Appeal Court

TTI NETWORK is the first professional translation agencey in Europe for express translation with no urgency fees, with over 6000 translators specialized in over 22 skills areas